Taxonomic list T3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

zona fasciae investientis

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Current level zona fasciae investientis Short
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Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
57965 14539
zona fasciae investientis
zone of investing fascia
58384 14540
zone of investing fascia of upper limb
57781 14543
fascia investiens partis liberae membri superioris
investing fascia of free upper limb
58432 14541
zona fasciae investientis partis liberae membri superioris
zone of investing fascia of free upper limb
58456 14542
zona fasciae investientis antebrachii
zone of investing fascia of forearm
38851 2054 part
fascia antebrachii
antebrachial fascia
14538 part
ligamentum palmare carpale
carpal palmar ligament
58457 10638
zona fasciae investientis brachii
zone of investing fascia of arm
37784 2051 part
fascia brachii
brachial fascia
37886 2052 part
septum intermusculare medialebrachii
medial intermuscular septum of arm
37888 2053 part
septum intermusculare lateralbrachii e
lateral intermuscular septum of arm
58458 15303
zona fasciae investientis manus
zone of investing fascia of hand
42443 2055 part
fascia dorsalis manus
dorsal fascia of hand
58549 15309
zona fasciae palmaris
zone of palmar fascia
42458 2057 part
ligamentum metacarpale transversum superficiale
superficial transverse metacarpal ligament
42655 2218 part
vagina fibrosa digitorum manus
fibrous sheath of fingers of hand
42656 14485 part
vagina fibrosa digiti secundi
fibrous sheath of index finger
42657 14486 part
vagina fibrosa digiti tertii
fibrous sheath of third finger
42658 14487 part
vagina fibrosa digiti quarti
fibrous sheath of ring finger
42659 14488 part
vagina fibrosa digiti minimi
fibrous sheath of little finger
57964 10375
fascia investiens cinguli pectoralis
investing fascia of pectoral girdle
78890 10373
zona fasciae investientis cinguli pectoralis
zone of investing fascia of pectoral girdle
37414 2049 part
ligamentum suspensorium axillae
suspensory ligament of axilla
57967 15298 part
ligamentum costocoracoideum
costocoracoid ligament
300695 15299 part
membrana costocoracoidea
costocoracoid membrane
37329 2048 part
fascia axillaris
axillary fascia
58421 18116
zone of investing fascia of lower limb
58428 18117
fascia investiens partis liberae membri inferioris
investing fascia of free lower limb
58420 18118
zona fasciae investientis partis liberae membri inferioris
zone of investing fascia of free lower limb
45168 18179
fascia investiens pedis
investing fascia of foot
79985 18119
zona fasciae investientis pedis
zone of investing fascia of foot
58794 18180
fascia plantaris pedis
plantar fascia of foot
58795 18120
zona fasciae plantaris pedis
zone of plantar fascia of foot
58942 2270 part
vagina fibrosa digitorum pedis
fibrous sheath of finger of foot
58943 18111 part
vagina fibrosa hallucis
fibrous sheath of great toe
58946 18112 part
vagina fibrosa digiti secundi pedis
fibrous sheath of second toe
58949 18113 part
vagina fibrosa digiti tertii pedis
fibrous sheath of third toe
58952 18114 part
vagina fibrosa rami supraclavicularis
fibrous sheath of supraclavicular branch
58955 18115 part
vagina fibrosa digiti quinti pedis
fibrous sheath of little toe
71609 2273 part
vagina synovialis digitorum pedis
synovial sheath of finger of foot
58793 2171 part
fascia dorsalis pedis
dorsal fascia of foot
45171 2172 part
aponeurosis plantaris
plantar aponeurosis
58790 18181
fascia investiens cruris
investing fascia of leg
79981 15014
zona fasciae investientis cruris
zone of investing fascia of leg
45206 2162 part
fascia cruris
deep fascia of leg
58755 2163 part
septum intermusculare anteriucruris s
anterior intermuscular septum of leg
58758 2164 part
septum intermusculare postericruris us
posterior intermuscular septum of leg
15292 part
septum intermusculare transvecruris rsum
transverse intermuscular septum of leg
45184 18182
fascia investiens femoris
investing fascia of thigh
58741 14984
zona fasciae investientis femoris
zone of investing fascia of thigh
13902 2143 part
fascia lata femoris
fascia lata of thigh
51049 15012
septum intermusculare femoris
intermuscular septum of thigh
58746 2145 part
septum intermusculare lateralfemoris e
lateral intermuscular septum of thigh ; lateral femoral intermuscular septum
58749 2146 part
septum intermusculare medialefemoris
medial intermuscular septum of thigh ; medial femoral intermuscular septum
58775 14985
zona fasciae latae femoris
zone of fascia lata of thigh
51048 2144 part
tractus iliotibialis
iliotibial tract
77265 2159 part
cornu superius hiatus sapheni ; crus superius hiatus sapheni
superior horn of saphenous opening
77266 2160 part
cornu inferius hiatus sapheni ; crus inferius hiatus sapheni
inferior horn of saphenous opening
25073 15314
zone of thoracolumbar fascia
25074 1832 part
lamina posterior ; lamina superficialis
posterior layer ; superficial layer
25076 1833 part
lamina media
middle layer ; intermediate layer
18107 1834 part
lamina anterior ; lamina profunda ; fascia musculi quadrati lumborum
anterior layer ; deep layer ; quadratus lumborum fascia
58382 15315
zona fasciae thoracis T4 6 children
zone of fascia of thorax
37803 1852 part
fascia pectoralis
pectoral fascia
37340 1853 part
fascia clavipectoralis
clavipectoral fascia
65 items
123 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The transverse intermuscular septum separates the superficial and deep posterior compartments of the leg.
Type of list T3F
List Unit Identifier 14539
Sublist 1 14540 zona fasciae investientis membri superioris 54/25 on 4.1.2025
Sublist 2 15314 zona fasciae thoracolumbalis 3/4 on 26.6.2024
Sublist 3 15315 zona fasciae thoracis 6/3 on 4.1.2025
Sublist 4 18116 zona fasciae investientis membri inferioris 55/32 on 4.1.2025
Subtotals subchildren 118 subunits 64
Proper children 4
Number of children 122 (validated)
Proper units 1
Number of units 65 (validated)
Signature 7448 (validated since 4.1.2025)
Date: 05.01.2025